Monday, October 13, 2008

He Turned Me Into a Newt

I'm not digging all of this insanity coming from the McCain rallies. It worries me, because Obama is ahead, that the days following the election will be a mess of these lunatics trying in the most violent, unbalanced ways to show their dissatisfaction. Why aren't these outbursts being treated more like the (sorry to use a word Sarah Palin likes to throw around) terrorist threats they are?

Fear of Editing

I've figured out my biggest problem as a writer: fear of editing. It's not that I'm afraid to actually edit my stories, and the fact is that once I really get working, I enjoy it. I know I'm improving my stories and making them clearer and more interesting and more readable (or at least I hope all of that is going on when I take the red pen to the page), but there's something about the actual act of picking it up that causes me to worry. Could I call it editing anxiety, the way they used to describe an aversion to math?